Wednesday, November 08, 2006 knocked off the air AGAIN...

The reason why you see lots and lots and lots of broken icons on this website is that my fucking webhost has apparently gone down hard. I can't contact them via phone, their email is bouncing, and both my husband and I have lost access to all our online stuff except for those things not hosted on my space there.

I fear that I will *LOSE* Msgeek.Com as a domain name. I will have both Msgeek.Org and Msgeek.Net still, but Msgeek.Com is tied up with them. I wish I had moved my nameservice on that name to Dotster but up until yesterday everything was working still and the last time my host had an outage I really didn't notice it.

I'm very upset. This should be a happy time for me. After all, the Dems took Congress back. I should be ecstatic. Take care...